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Rehabilitation activities for burn and disabled persons
In order to ensure the active participation of the burnt and disabled people in the economic development activities of the country, this program is being implemented through the Department of Social Services under the control of the Ministry of Social Welfare. Through these activities, all the upazilas and urban areas across the country are playing a special role in the socio-economic development of the targeted burnt and disabled people and alleviation of their family based poverty. The program was started in the financial year 2002-03 under the name of 'Rehabilitation Program for Acid-Burned Women and Physically Handicapped' and was renamed as 'Rehabilitation Program for Acid-Burned and Disabled Persons' from April 2010. Subsequently, in order to include all types of burn victims in the program, the policy was amended and the name of the program was changed from March 2016 to "Rehabilitation Program for Burned and Disabled Persons". 
These activities are playing an important role in improving the socio-economic condition of the poor, burnt and disabled people of the country. The purpose of this program is to provide micro-credit assistance to the burn victims and their families for the work in which they are skilled and experienced and skilled in order to create employment opportunities for the burn and disabled persons along with ensuring quick medical treatment to the burn victims.
1. Microcredit: Interest free microcredit ranging from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 30,000.00 is given to burnt and disabled persons whose average annual per capita income is not more than Rs. After taking the loan, you have to repay in 20 equal installments with 5% service charge.
2. Medical Assistance: There is a system of providing a one-time grant of up to Rs. 20,000.00 for one-time medical assistance to a burnt poor person.
Implementation process: 
Field surveys identify burns and disabilities living below the poverty line (average annual per capita income of family members is not more than Rs. 1,00,000 / - (one lakh)). Thereafter loans ranging from Rs. 5,000 / - to Rs. 30,000 / - per person are provided against the prescribed scheme. The loan is repaid in 20 equal installments with 5% service charge from 2 months after the loan is disbursed. A 19-member National Steering Committee at the national level and a 13-member steering committee at the district level,At the upazila level, the 11-member ‘Upazila Activities Implementation Committee’ and the ‘Microfinance Program Implementation Committee’ formed to implement urban social service activities for urban and metropolitan areas provide assistance and advice in implementation.
Recipients:Burned and disabled persons with low income whose average annual per capita income is not more than Rs. 1,00,000.00.
This program is being implemented successfully in Tarakanda Upazila. So far, financial assistance and loans have been provided to 81 people through this program.