Wellcome to National Portal
মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped

Services list
Old age allowance
Widow's allowance
Development of Vedic peoples
Development of hijra community
Cancer, kidney and liver cirrhosis
Food assistance to tea workers
Development of backward communities
Rehabilitation of beggars
Rural Social Services (RSS)
Rural Maternity Center (RMC)

Urban Development Activities (UCD)

Rehabilitation and shelter for the burnt and disabled

Hospital social service activities

Patient Welfare Society (Upazila)

30% free treatment

Registration of voluntary organizations

Government children's family

Chhotamani Nibas

Daytime childcare center

Training and rehabilitation of distressed children

Capitation grant

1098 child support phone

CSPB project

Sheikh Russell Child

Disability Allowance

Disability education stipend

Disability identification
Training of persons with disabilities

Child Development Center

Rehabilitation of the socially handicapped

Safehome and government shelter

Probation and After Care Service
Improving the living standards of marginalized people