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Tea-workers quality of life development program
Tea industry is one of the largest industries in Bangladesh. It has been playing a very important role in the national economy. Bangladesh produces about 60.50 crore kg of tea annually and from here tea is exported to 25 countries. Those who are directly involved in the production of this tea are tea-workers. But while tea-workers are equally entitled to all civic benefits, they appear to be victims of family, social and economic discrimination. It is the responsibility of the family, the society, the state and everyone to treat them kindly and try to establish their just rights. At present, the government has implemented 'Tea Workers' Living Standards Improvement Program' under the social security program to protect the basic rights of the neglected and backward people, ensure their social justice, family and socio-economic development.
Goals and Objectives:
A) development of socio-economic conditions and provision of social security;
B) providing food assistance to tea workers in case of emergency;
C) Increase their status in the family and society.

Strategy for implementation of the program: After identifying the real destitute tea workers, the manpower of the Department of Social Services, local administration, people's representatives and the tea garden authorities follow this policy and implement the activities undertaken by compiling a list of real destitute and helpless persons.
Work Area: Tea workers working in tea gardens of Sylhet and Chittagong divisions and Panchagarh district will be covered under this program.